Tuesday, February 21, 2012

On cybersecurity bill, battle lines forming

Posted at 10:00 AM ET, 02/17/2012

On cybersecurity bill, battle lines forming

Battle lines over new Senate legislation to defend the country against cyberattacks are forming on the issue of regulation, with some experts testifying on Thursday that the bill goes too easy on industry and others saying it is too tough.
The 207-page bill introduced this week would cover only those critical systems that the department secretary determines could lead to “mass” casualties, catastrophic economic damage or “severe degradation” of national security.
Software companies, for instance, would not be covered. Those that are would have to meet security requirements set by the secretary and the companies. The bill also allows for the two-way sharing of technical threat data between the government and the private sector.
“This bill includes significant loopholes that would keep our nation at risk,” said James A. Lewis, a cyber-expert with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, referring to software and other companies not covered.

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