Monday, March 19, 2012

Russia´s Cyber-Strategy Published

Russia´s Cyber-Strategy Published

Russia´s Cyber-Strategy Published
From about 3 months Russia has its own cyber-strategy. The document titled "Conceptual Views Regarding the Activity of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Information Space" was written in 2011 and published on the Defense Ministry’s website in early 2012.

The document doesn’t mention Russia’s offensive operations in cyberspace. The concept has 3 main points: control, prevention and solution of cyber conflicts.
Interestingly, part 3.2.3 of the document says “the escalation of a conflict in the cyberspace and its turn into a crisis gives the right to an individual or collective self-defense and the use of any means necessary that do not contradict the universally accepted norms and the principles of international law”.

Read the strategy from:

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